ZR : Deletes all files extracted from a ZIP file USAGE : ZR zipfile [files-directory] [-draiks] WHERE : d = files were extracted according to the zipfile's directory structure r = remove (delete) zipfile too a = ask permission to delete each file i = ignore filesize/filetime/filedate mismatches (matches filename only when deleting) k = keep (do not remove) empty zipfile directory s = save (do not remove) empty files-directory Copyright 1993 by Paul R.Sadowski All rights reserved. Sample usage: ZR h:\downloads\myzip.zip c:\test -risk Deletes all files contained in the ZIP file myzip.zip that reside in the subdirectory \test on drive C, deleting the original ZIP file (r), matching files by filename only (i), keeps the files directory \test if it is emptied (s), and keeps the subdirectory \downloads if it is emptied (k) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ZR removes from your disk the files previously extracted from any compressed ZIP file. ZR will allow you to specify a path to the files or use the directory in which the ZIP resides if a files path is not specified. ZR will attempt to remove the subdirectory in which the extracted files reside. You may choose to override this feature by using the 's' switch. ZR will delete the original ZIP file if you so choose. Using the 'r' switch deletes the file. The default is to keep the original ZIP file. ZR will attempt to remove the directory in which the original ZIP file resides, but only if you have used the 'r' switch to delete the original ZIP file. To override the accompanying directory removal use the 'k' switch. ZR will automatically delete all files in the archive. If you prefer to retain one or more of those files, use the 'a' switch to inform ZR to prompt you for permission to delete each file as it finds it. ZR will discard any pathnames it finds within the zipfile's directory structure. If you have unzipped the file following the zipfile's directory structure you should use the 'd' switch to keep the zipfile's directory structure. Note that PKUNZIP normaly does not extract according to the zip's dir. struct. It must be requested with PKUNZIP's 'd' switch. UNZIP on the other hand does normaly extract according to the zip's directory structure. Since you may some files in your directory that conflict with names in the original archive, ZR matches not only the filenames but also the file creation times and dates and their sizes. If ZR finds a matching filename but its other fields do not match ZR will not delete the file. This feature can, however, be overridden with the 'i' switch. ZR will then delete based on filename matches only. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Licenses, distribution and agreements: ZR may not be used for any commercial purpose without a written license from the author, nor may it be used for any purpose that is related to a commercial activity even though its specific use is not commercial in itself. ZR may not be distributed commercially without the written agreement of the author. However, the author understands that SIMTEL20 may release copies of its files to various CD-ROM vendors and agrees to allow such distribution without written consent to those vendors that distribute on CD-ROM significant portions of the SIMTEL20 archives. This does not, however, allow the commercial distribution of this file based solely on its retrieval from the SIMTEL20 archives or from any of the vendors who do meet the requirements of this exception. AR.COM is free for noncommercial distribution provided that it is distributed with this document and neither is altered in form or condition by other than those changes that occur from the creation of a compressed archive. Usage of AR.COM is at the sole risk of its user. No warranty of any kind is given or suggested. AR.COM and its documentation are provide on an AS-IS basis. The author may be contacted at 'aa089@freenet.buffalo.edu' Copyright 1993 by Paul R. Sadowski.